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Author Guidelines

Civil Engineering Dimension (CED), a biannually publication released in March and September by The Institute of Research and Community Outreach at Petra Christian University in Surabaya, Indonesia, serves as a pivotal platform for the global exchange of cutting-edge research and advancements in civil engineering.

CED embraces a multidisciplinary approach, welcoming contributions from various fields within civil engineering. Our mission is to present a diverse array of scholarly works, including laboratory experiments, numerical analyses, comprehensive case studies, project reports, insightful review articles, as well as concise communications and discussions.

We invite submissions aligned with our objectives and scope, encompassing a broad spectrum of research and practical applications in civil engineering. Join us in fostering innovation and knowledge dissemination in this dynamic field.

Author Guidelines

Authors are required to submit their papers using our online submission system. Each file should be named according to the following convention: begin with “CED.” Followed by first name of the primary author and the initial word of the title (e.g. CED-hadi-comparison). Our user-friendly online submission system will guide you through the process of entering your article details and uploading your files.

To ensure compatibility with our typesetting process, manuscripts muct be provided in editable formats such as MS-Word. Manuscripts should be double-spaced, using a 12-point font size, in a single-column format on A-4 size paper, with margins set to 2.5 cm on all sides. The total length of the manuscript, including references, figures, tables, and appendices, should not exceed 20 pages. Please number all pages consecutively.

All communications, including editorial decisions and revision requests, will be conducted through our online system. Fore postal correspondence, please address all communications to:

The Editor, Civil Engineering Dimension
The Institute of Research and Community Outreach
Petra Christian University
Jalan Siwalankerto 121-131 Surabaya, Indonesia 60236
Tel       : +62-31-2983147
Email   :

Publication Charges

Civil Engineering Dimension (CED) does not impose any Article Processing Charges (APCs) or Article Submission Charges.

Open Access Policy

Civil Engineering Dimension (p-ISSN 1410-9530 and e-ISSN 1979-570X) adheres to an Open Access policy, ensuring unrestricted access to all published content on the Internet. Readers can freely access and read articles without any barriers.


The journal exclusively accepts manuscripts written in English. Authors are encouraged to ensure that their manuscripts are composed in clear and proficient English. For those concerned about potential grammatical or spelling errors or wishing to enhance the scientific clarity of their writing, we recommend utilizing an English Language Editing service.


Manuscripts should adhere to the following structure: Title; authors and affiliations; abstract and keywords; main body of the paper; acknowledgements (if applicable); references; appendices (if applicable).


Comprising approximately 150 words, the abstract concisely outlines the current state-of-the-art, identifies the research gap, articulates the research purpose, describes the method employed, summarizes the principal results, and presents the major conclusions derived from the study. As a standalone document, separate from the article, it must effectively encapsulate the essence of the research. Avoid references within the abstract; if unavoidable, cite author(s) and year(s). Minimize the use of abbreviations; if necessary, provide definitions upon first mention within the abstract itself. This ensures its utility as a comprehensive document within information-retrieval systems. Additionally, include three to ten keywords to facilitate efficient indexing.


Consistent usage of SI units is mandatory throughout the manuscript. In instances where alternative units are necessary, equivalent SI units must be provided within parentheses. While no strict rules govern notation or abbreviation, each manuscript should independently define its symbols and units in a clear and comprehensive manner. This ensures self-containment and facilitates understanding for readers. Proper definitions of symbols and units are essential for clarity and accuracy in communication.

Figures and Tables

All visual elements including photographs, charts, illustrations, and diagrams should be denoted as “Figures.” These should be integrated within the text and sequentially numbered using Arabic numerals, with separate numbering for tables and figures. Uniformity in lettering, lines, and symbols is essentials, with unnecessary information cropped out. It’s advisable to utilize several simple tables rather than a single complex one to enhance clarity. Figures should be clear and capable of being reduced by up to 50% of their original size. Lettering within figures must be legible and sufficiently large to withstand reduction by the same proportion. Each table and figure must be accompanied by a descriptive caption that is self-explanatory.

References and Use of Reference Management Software

To enhance the discoverability of research and ensure high-quality peer review, it’s essential to include online links to the sources cited. Accuracy in reference data is crucial for creating links to abstracting and indexing services. Therefore, verify the correctness of surnames, journal/book titles, publication years, and pagination to prevent issues with link creation.

Every reference cited in the text must be present in the reference list, and vice versa, to maintain consistency. Avoid listing unpublished results and personal communications in the reference list, although they may be mentioned in the text. If included, follow the standard reference style of the journal, substituting the publication date with either ‘Unpublished results’ or ‘Personal communication’. Citing a reference as ‘in press’ indicates that it has been accepted for publication. Utilizing reference management software can streamline the citation process and ensure accuracy.

Authors are encouraged to utilized reference management software such as Mendeley, Zotero, or EndNote for citation management and for formatting the reference list. In the absence of a specific template for this journal, authors should adhere to the citation and reference format outlined in this guide.

References to published literature should be cited numerically in the text in consecutive order. Numerical citations should be presented on the line, enclosed in square brackets, and not a superscript (e.g., [1]). At the end of the manuscript, references should be listed consecutively, providing sufficient information for readers to locate the cited items. Whenever possible, including Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) is highly recommended.


Reference to a journal publication:
1. Wade, R.L. and Harris, R.B., LOMARK: A Bidding Strategy, Journal of the Construction Division, ASCE, 102(1), 1976, pp. 197-211.

Reference to a book: 
2. Beer, F.P. and Johnston, E.R. Jr., Mechanics of Materials, Second edition, McGraw-Hill, London, 1992.

Reference to chapter in an edited book:
3. Mettam, G.R. and Adams, L.B., How to Prepare an Electronic Version of Your Article, In: Jones, B.S. and Smith, R.Z., Editors, Introduction to the Electronic Age, E-Publishing Inc, New York, 2009.

Reference to a conference paper:
4. Miki, C., Sasaki, E., and Shimozato, T., Seismic Resistance Verification of Fatigue Retrofitted Steel Bridge Bents (A Case Study in the Metropolitan Expressway), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Urban Earth-quake Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, March 7-8, 2005, pp. 77-84.

Reference to a Standard/Code
5. JIS G 3106, Rolled Steels for Welded Structure, Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, 2008. (In Japanese).

Reference to an online journal 
6. Hardjito, D., Antoni, Wibowo, G.M., and Christianto, D., Pozzolanic Activity Assessment of LUSI Mud in Semi High Volume Pozzolanic Mortar, Materials, 5(9), 2012, pp. 1654-1660, retrieved from

Review Process

All submissions will undergo rigorous peer review by independent experts. We employ a single-blind review process, where reviewers are aware of authors’ identities. Based on reviewers’ comments and advice, the Editor will determine whether to accept, reject, or request revisions to the manuscript.

For manuscript requiring Minor Revisions, authors will have one week to submit their revised manuscript. For those needing Major Revisions, authors will have two weeks for resubmission. However, authors anticipating a need for extended revision time should contact the editorial office.

Authors are expected to respond to all reviewer comments in a point-by-point manner. In cases of disagreement with a reviewer, authors must provide a clear and reasoned response. This ensures a constructive dialogue between authors and reviewers, ultimately leading to the improvement of the manuscript.

Production and Publication

Upon acceptance, the manuscript will undergo a comprehensive process including professional copy-editing, English editing, proofreading by the authors, final corrections, pagination, and publication on the website.

Copyright/Open Access

Articles published in Civil Engineering Dimension will be Open-Access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Authors retain copyright and publishing rights. Civil Engineering Dimension will include the following note at the end of each published article:

© [Year] by the authors; licensee Civil Engineering Dimension, Surabaya, Indonesia. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any figures from other copyright holders.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses submitted to this journal site will be utilized solely for the purposes outlined by this journal and will not be shared or made available to any other party for any other purpose. We prioritize the confidentiality and security of personal information provided by our users.